How to make thousands of orders on Facebook Vietnam

How to make thousands of orders on Facebook Vietnam

It’s not surprising that Vietnamese love social media. 78.1% use social media in 2022 (Statista). Social media has many benefits for Vietnamese, including the ability to connect with family and friends as well as getting the latest gossip and news. Moreover, social media is a viable channel for selling and buying goods.

A recent Bain & Co report found that social commerce in Vietnam accounted for 65 percent of Vietnam’s US$22 billion online retail industry last year 2021.

Although Facebook isn’t the only social media platform used in Vietnam for social commerce, it is the most popular shopping destination with a higher penetration rate than any other social media channels. Facebook is at 94%, which surpasses Zalo (49%), Instagram (31%), TikTok (23%).

Foreign businesses must not overlook the power of Facebook to generate direct sales. We would like to share with you effective methods to sell on Facebook that can help close hundreds of orders each day.

Offer quality products that are unique and trendy

Products are what will determine the success of your Facebook sales no matter how good your marketing is.

It is easy to choose products to sell on Facebook. Almost any item can be sold. The most popular items on Facebook are low-value, fast-moving goods, and general goods like fashion, cosmetics bags, shoes and food.

It can be difficult to sell high-value or industrial items on Facebook. This is because customers aren’t very confident to buy online and may lose large sums of money. Customers prefer to visit the physical stores when they are purchasing goods that have high values.

Selection criteria for products to be sold on Facebook
  • Unique Products: Exclusive products only available in your store
  • Niche product: A product which serves a limited number of customers and has little competition from other brands.
  • Good quality products at a fair price: Facebook customers prefer products that are affordable and of acceptable quality standards.
  • Hot trending products.: These products might fall out of fashion after a while, but they will significantly increase your sales, reputation, and new customers within a short period of time.

Create a high-quality Fanpage

You can either sell via your personal Facebook page or create a business Fanpage to do business. It is easy to set up a fanpage. However, the most difficult part is how to build up your fanpage so that it becomes popular and attracts millions of followers.

A Facebook Fanpage allows you to build a fan base for your brand and sell directly to people who are interested in your products.

You must grow your followers daily, and curate the content of your page in a strategic and creative way to draw customers to your page. Engage your fans with engaging and useful content. Plan how to promote your Fanpage via ads. This will ensure that as many people as possible know about it and follow it.

Create compelling Facebook ads that convert well

Brands cannot grow by simply posting on Facebook. Your posts will only reach your followers organically. You need to use Facebook ads to attract more people. Optimize all aspects of your ad to maximize your ROI. You can sell online with Facebook ads. It is an easy way to close hundreds of orders each day.

To create inspiring Facebook ads that convert customers or followers, you don’t need to be a professional designer or copywriter. These guidelines will help you design your ads and write your copy.

  • High quality, attractive images.
  • Images and content that are relevant to customers and products.
  • Include at least one compelling value for your target customers.
  • Include a clear call to action message.

Facebook ads come in many formats including photos, videos and texts. You can also place your ads in various places (newsfeed, right column and inbox …). Make sure you know what and where your target audience wants to see, so you can show them your ads in the most engaging form, at the right time and in the right place.

Sell through Facebook livestream

Livestreaming has been proven to be a great way to sell on Facebook. It can help you close hundreds of orders every time it goes live. Livestreaming allows you to close the geographical gap with customers and resolve any doubts they may have when purchasing online. Customers can interact directly with you in real-time, and you can show them products, test the products, and answer their questions also in real time. This increases reliability and trust with them.

You must prepare a script for livestreaming. Livestreamers should have a good appearance, a good voice, and a good communication skill. They also need to be knowledgeable about the products. You should also promote your livestream on Facebook Fanpage before it is actually implemented. To increase interaction and encourage viewers to share your livestream, you can organize mini-games. To increase sales, you should call for orders once in a while during livestreaming.

Sell via Facebook groups

Facebook hosts thousands of groups on many topics that attract hundreds of thousands of people. Facebook groups are a great channel to sell on Facebook. Facebook allows you to search for and join relevant groups. You should prioritize groups that have a high number of members, strong interaction rate, and allow you to share and post your livestreams.

Make viral videos for Facebook

Spreading viral content is the best way to use Facebook to promote you brand. Social sharing is what makes Facebook such a popular platform.

You can quickly grow your Facebook fanpage by creating viral content (articles, videos and images ) that covers the most important topics your target audience is interested in. If your content is directly related to your brand and product, your product can quickly go viral on Facebook.

Organise giveaways and contests

You can also organize mini-games, contests, and giveaways that will attract thousands of people who want to take part in and tag their friends.

To increase engagement and awareness of your Fanpage, gifting programs are simple and can be very effective. The only thing you need to do is to announce the gifts and then ask participants to follow the steps to receive them. For example, they should visit your website, sign up for an account, post to their Facebook wall, tag at most 3 friends, and tag your post in the comments.

Mini games can also be very simple to set up, such as solving word puzzles or predicting football scores.

Create exclusive offers for people who follow your fanpage

Offers such as coupons or free gifts every month, buy one – get one… may be worth considering. This will not only increase your followers, but it will also motivate potential customers to place orders and apply discounts. You can offer weekly or monthly discounts to increase frequent purchases and make your customers loyal.

Turn Facebook Messenger into a sales channel and customer service channel.

When they need information or have any requests from brands, people love to chat on Facebook Messenger. Messenger can be used as a sales channel or customer service portal.

Brands must be able to answer questions and chat with guests immediately. Customer care is key to increasing sales opportunities. Messenger also allows you to set up automated greetings and answers for employees who are unavailable to answer immediately.

Thanks to rising social media seen in the last decade, social commerce in Vietnam is likely to continue growing, contributing to further growth in the e-commerce industry. Investing in an effective selling strategy on Facebook would help businesses target customers and generate sales efficiently.

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